Marathon training support.....BECAUSE 26.2 MILES IS MORE THAN JUST A DISTANCE!

Next spring might seem like a long way off but if you are planning of running a marathon then it makes sense to start planning your training now.

Although a lot of training plans may not start until December/January, I would really recommend starting some easy runs now in order to build up a base level of fitness. For complete beginners, this may mean bolting together small blocks of running and walking until you are able to continuously run for say 40-60 minutes by mid-December. Even if you are an experienced runner, it is always sensible to start your planning early and include other aspects like cross-training and strength work.  

If you are planning on following a set training plan, do you know your 'threshold runs' from your 'interval runs'? How fast should a 'hard' session be?  Do you want to make sense of your training plan and customise it with bespoke training zones and paces? #pimpmytrainingplan

If so, the marathon training support package can help you answer these questions, ensure you get the best from your training and achieve your full potential.....BECAUSE 26.2 MILES IS MORE THAN JUST A DISTANCE!